Things I wish I had known..

Things I wish I had known..

There are some things I wish I had known before entering the stage of equestrian journalism.

Some almost 20 years back in time when I took up writing and created my first horsey news site I was completely clueless.

Maybe not about the world of equestrianism itself, but about the world of working out on the field.

Some of my first free lance assignments, as a writing journalist and photographer for other outlets, included showjumping for ponies. A total joy.

It was peaceful and quiet, and for my very first assignment the sun was like pouring down from a bright blue sky!

Some events later must have been the time when I decided it was time to run my own site. Because I could.

Oh dear, the things I have lived through since then really does border line to insanity.

I admit to have run several projects in which the outcome of the projects have not always gone according to plan.

Sometimes it has been my own wrongdoing, sometimes it has been because of external powers.

The biggest lesson learnt though, is to trust no one. I know, it does sound cynical but in the world of equestrian sport it has proven to be true.

Over and over, and over again I might add.

Some of things I’ve come across and fallen for EVERYTIME are the marketeers. Maybe not the kind of marketeers you now invision.

Cause by marketeers I mean the kind of people that technically are clueless but could indeed sell sand in the Sahara and even ice to the Eskimos.

Those kind of marketeers. Some of them stick out more than others!

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