Sport horses and breeding

Sport horses and breeding

It was not too long ago that it was announced the Thoroughbred race now would ge recognisable via the FEI. FEI being the international equestrian federation. It was not all clear to me what this would lead to. Would it mean the TB or OTTB1 horses would as a studbook would benefit from this?

Today I am even more insecure why they, cannot remember if it was the WBFSH2 or the FEI who blow the initial trumpet on this. Either way, in the 5* Maryland there was an OTTB on the running order.

One of the few “survivors” even, cause Sorocaima finished in 4th position.

Digging into this 13 year old gelding’s FEI page I can see he made 22 international competitions. Even so they only managed to squeeze out his national ID and chip number. No nothing on his pedigree, no nothing on the UELN3. The latter may be a European thing.

It is so bizarre. Last year there was at least one 6-year old competing at Mondial du Lion, the World Championships for eventing horses at Lion d’Angers, France who had zero pedigree in his FEI records.

With all the shit us European horse owners go through with UELN and documentation when transporting and or moving stables one would imagine the governing body of the sport had a little bit more of control on the pedigrees of the horses.

I cannot even imagine how horses - that all require passports - can get an FEI passport without basic information like this tag along with horse.

It is like one of the big mysteries in life almost in par with the Big Bang Theory vs. God!

A couple of clicks on the eminent site called Equineline one can find almost any TB horse out there, even Sorocaima..

Full pedigree as provided by Equineline

Going back to the now 7-year old from Lion d’Angers last year he did no less than 4 international starts this year. Still he has no pedigree to show for via the database of the governing body of the Olympic disciplines that spells FEI.

The views and ideas of The Hoofbeat Chronicles are personal and belongs to the author. Which mean they may or may not line up with your own personal views and ideas. Do you want to share your thoughts? Please leave a comment in the comment section 👇🏻

  1. OTTB = Off-Track Thoroughbred, basically a retrained racehorse of Thoroughbred breeding. Standardbreds off the track are normally referred to as SbORT – Standardbreds Off the Race Track

  2. WBFSH = The World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses

  3. UELN = Universal Equine Life Number