New: Belgian Mare Auction with valuable broodmares

A new auction has been added to the calendar, with a distinct vision: the Belgian Mare Auction. This live and online auction showcases broodmares with exceptional genetic value for breeding.

New: Belgian Mare Auction with valuable broodmares
C-Anka by. Cornado I

The number of auctions in the equestrian world has grown significantly, creating fierce competition. Yet, a new auction has been added to the calendar, with a distinct vision: the Belgian Mare Auction.

This live and online auction showcases broodmares with exceptional genetic value for breeding. Some mares are even offered with an embryo included.

The Belgian Mare Auction will take place on Wednesday evening, December 18, in Eemnes, one day after the Suus Kuyten Auctions.

It is an initiative of the Belgian Studfarm De Wilde, in collaboration with Suus Kuyten and Harrie Wiering. Nico De Wilde and his son Marco, long-time participants in leading foal and embryo auctions, had been considering the idea for some time.

“We are always looking for exceptional broodmares to enhance our breeding program and have noticed a growing interest in this area,” explains Marco De Wilde.

Broodmares are occasionally featured in online auctions, but there has not yet been one fully dedicated to them.

“We aim to complement other auctions, such as those selling our foals, as we don't want to step on anyone’s toes. While it would have been easier to make this an online auction, adding a live element makes it far more enjoyable. People gather, share drinks, and have fun together. Being able to use Suus Kuyten’s venue right after her auction is a fantastic opportunity.”

Nico De Wilde and son Marco organize the Belgian Mare Auction on December 18 together with Suus Kuyten en Harrie Wiering

World’s best broodmares

While curating the collection, Marco De Wilde considered the Hippomundo rankings.

“We want to offer broodmares from the lines of the top-30 broodmares in the world. For example, we have mares from the lines of Qerly Chin, Fragance de Chalus, Electra van ’t Roosakker, Sophie du Chateau, Only Picobello and the Klapscheut family, as well as daughters of 1.60m Grand Prix mares. To make it even more exciting, some mares are being auctioned with a frozen embryo or even a recipient mare carrying an embryo. This allows breeders to get started immediately.”


Among the highlights is Ursulle (Cabdulla du Tillard), a sibling of Panama du Seigneur and bred out of the 1.60m Grand Prix mare Mic Mac du Dieu Demon. Another standout is C-Anka (Cornado I), bred out of Anka, the 2003 World Cup Final winner together with Marcus Ehning (GER).

In 2023, C-Anka’s Heartbreaker foal sold for €50,000 at the Flanders Foal Auction.

‘Flanders’ also sold a foal by Ermitage Kalone for €50,000 this year, bred out of Elektra Hero (Elvis Ter Putte), who is now available for purchase.

Gagnante de Muze, a sibling of Mylord Carthago and Bamako de Muze, has also produced popular auction foals, including a Heartbreaker sold for €52,000 via Zangersheide.

This year, a four-year-old Cornet Obolensky son of Chialou, fetched €70,000 at Schockemöhle’s auction. Broodmare Chialou is sired by Chacco Blue and is bred out of the 1.60m Grand Prix mare Baloupetra.

Appealing to all

“With this collection of broodmares, you can breed something truly unique for the sport or participate in foal auctions. It’s appealing to everyone, from hobby breeders to professional stables,” says Marco De Wilde.

The auction starts at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, December 18. Registration is possible via the website or by phone.

The collection is available at Not able to attend the auction? You can join the bidding online as well.

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