New arrival Elastic strengthens Famos Stud's stallion line-up

Famos Stud announces a spectacular new addition: the stallion Elastic. The third-placed stallion in the World Championship final for four-year-olds, Vice Bundeschampion, Westphalian Champion and Danish Premium Stallion will continue to be ridden by none other than Dorothee Schneider.

New arrival Elastic strengthens Famos Stud's stallion line-up
Elastic under Dorothee Schneider

The two-time Olympic champion and riding champion had already ridden the sought-after stallion Segantini to fifth place at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses and Maxikraft's Barcelo to victory in the Nuremberg Burg Cup for Famos Stud.

Now the dark bay sire youngster Elastic, who truly lives up to his name, joins them as the third in the group.

The son of Escolar was praised by the judges for his outstanding talent and remarkable elasticity during his performance at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses.

Presented by Maxi Kira von Platen at the time, he finished third in the four-year-old class with a total score of 84.40 per cent. This was followed by his first placings in elementary level dressage tests for young horses.

As a three-year-old, Elastic made a name for himself as premium stallion at the Danish licensing and the title of Westphalian Champion. He also secured silver at the Bundeschampionat with an overall score of 9.0.

Elastic's first foals are inspiring all along the line

Elastic is descended from Escolar. His dam Diva de Luxe, herself a full sister to the licensed stallion Dynasty VDL, also produced the Westphalian premium stallion Voice of Germany (by Vitalis).

The pedigree is clearly optimised for performance through the dam's sire, the World Champion Dressage Horse Dimaggio, as well as the top sires Wolkentanz II and Corde.

Elastic is available to breeders through the Martin Determann stallion stud, as are the other famous stallions, from the Westphalian reserve champion Excalibur to the Westphalian end-ring stallion St. Noblé and the Danish premium stallion Plus Horses Redemption through to the equally talented So Nice.

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