Media outlets begging for mercy..

A better plan would have been to take responsibility for the fact media are an have been a big part of the problem in how people speak and adress each other online.

Media outlets begging for mercy..
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Lately I have noticed some media outlets are almost begging for mercy not only for themselves but also for other people. People active in the sport.

In all they cry about the social media climate being too rough and tough on both them as media outlets, and writing journalists as well in how they treat other individuals.

I can agree this is very much true. However I also have studied these things for years and made a couple of notes about the state of things.

Firs of all equestrian sport journalism has been on a down going spiral for years.

Technically I can only come up with a handful media outlet that actively have not only reported about the sport but also asked difficult questions and also been questioning the sport over the past ten years.

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