It's just like ordering pizza

An interesting note after the KWPN Stallion Show the other week is that men seem to be more open to use ICSI on horses than women.

icsi horses

For the ones that know me both from internet and in real life it cannot come as a surprise that I have opinions about [especially the crazy overuse of] ET and or ICSI.

The way things played out during recent years have made cloning to seem like a more natural way to breed horses than ever, at least when one put it side by side with the current ICSI situation amongst the show jumpers.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a specialised form of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). The process of ICSI involves the injection of a single sperm directly into a mature egg.

Custom made foals

For example the Mares of Macha concept is really not my cup of tea. But more to be considered as a "Congratulations on your retirement, here's your one way ticket to Italy, ENJOY!" kind of situation.

At least for the sport mares that are being signed up for the program. Normally this is done at the same time as their owners make official statements on the topic "how much loved these lady horses are, and how wonderful it is they now can retire to breeding duties".

Which is not really accurate now is it.

Cause instead of standard breeding duties, these mares are now being harvested of their eggs to create "custom made foals" for the prospect buyers.

The other week in den Bosch this whole ICSI thing came up in a discussion where my new found like minded fellow human being suddenly blurted out:

To me it is just like ordering pizza, you open the catalogue, find what you like, you pay for it, and then you'll get it delivered..

Exactly that! No more, no less.

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