Domien Michiels’ Individual Dressage Result at the Olympic Games Annulled

This decision was communicated by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which oversaw the anti-doping program for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Domien Michiels’ Individual Dressage Result at the Olympic Games Annulled

The decision was made following an abnormal test result during the Olympic Games. It is important to note that while this result is considered a violation of anti-doping regulations, there was no significant fault or negligence on Michiels’ part.

The incident stemmed from the treatment of a dog with eye drops. This mitigating circumstance was taken into account when determining the sanction.

The team result from August 3rd, 5th place with Larissa Pauluis and Flore De Winne, remains unaffected.

Domien Michiels' reaction:
"I accept the decision, which acknowledges that I was neither negligent nor intending to cheat or break the rules. I now want to focus on the future and give my best in my sport, equestrianism."

Reaction from FRBSE/LEWB/Paardensport Vlaanderen:
"As a federation, we place great importance on fair and clean sport. We fully acknowledge the decision of the ITA and IOC, but we want to emphasize once again that while this is considered a violation of anti-doping rules, it has been clearly stated that Domien Michiels committed no significant fault.

It is evident that there was no dishonest intent or negligence on his part. Moreover, we are relieved that the team result has been upheld, as this is an important recognition of the efforts and performances of the entire team. We continue to support Domien during this challenging time and maintain our full confidence in his integrity as an athlete."

This article is a press release. The original version was not in English and have been automatically translated using AI. Even though we are not responsible for the content, please rest assure we strive to only publish texts from what we consider to be reliable sources.