Cringe anyone?

Around 400 Olympians from 90 countries have made a climate plea for the up and coming new president of the International Olympic Committee IOC.

Cringe anyone?

Part of the letter goes:

To the incoming President, we ask that over the coming years and the course of your presidency one issue be above all others: the care of our planet. Rising temperatures and extreme weather are already disrupting competition schedules, putting iconic venues at risk and affecting the health of athletes and fans. Extreme heat is raising real concerns about whether Summer Games can be held safely in future years, and Winter Games are becoming harder to organise with reliable snow and ice conditions diminishing annually.

Reading the above seriously made me double check the calendar to see if it's indeed April 1st today and this is part of some April Fools prank.

But no, this seem to be serious thoughts, made by, what can only be seen as some of the most selfish people on the planet!!!

Cause if they worry so much about the health and safety of themselves, their fellow athletes, and my personal favourite THE FANS [as if] there is an easy way to solve the problem. You just don't go! It is as easy as that.

I've said it for years that the Olympics doesn't have a place in the modern world. At least not in its current format, which dates back some plus 20 years or so in time.

It is one of the biggest waste of resources ever known to mankind!

If you don't believe me please check the facts and figures for the latest games in Paris, France last year.

The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in figures:

  • 13.4 million tickets
  • 15,3 million visitors
  • 3.5 billion euros in economic benefits
  • 206 nations
  • 32 Olympic and 22 Paralympic sports
  • 869 events
  • 15,000 athletes
  • 44,500 volunteers
  • 26,000 accredited journalists
  • 8,000 non-accredited journalists
  • 4 billion television viewers

For sure everybody did not arrive on a plane but if you do need to fly an amount of 15.393.500 to Paris you'll need at least 55.572 rounds with an Airbus 330-300 that take 277 passengers [plus crew] each, and that is just getting them there.

An airplane dump about 92kilo CO2 per passenger, per hour..

If that doesn't set things into perspective I'm not sure what does! Which makes me come back to my previous point, that if you really do care about the environment you should start lobbying for removing the Olympics from the agenda full stop.

Do you have any thoughts on this? Don't forget to forward it to a friend and then share your thoughts in the comment section. Promise not to bite 🤗