Brace for impact!

It is also a known fact that during the first ten years with these risk capitalist driven companies heading into the field of animal health care. The costs for the animal owners blew through the roof!

Brace for impact!

Yesterday I had a visit at the clinic. Where I ended up talking to the small animal vet and the technician about the difference in between dental work on a horse and a family pet. We’re actually talking hundreds of Euros, in favour of the horses.

Which made our conversation go straight into IVC Evidensia. A chain of clinics that is now spreading like the plague across Europe.

Allegedly IVC Evidensia are now also trying, or already succeeded, in getting hold off companies that are the regular suppliers of material and medicine to the clinics.

By doing so they also made a difference in the price list as in any clinic being linked to the Evidensia chain gets a lower price. All this while the free standing clinics will have to pay a higher price.

Which will lead to higher costs for the clients, giving the clinics of IVC Evidensia the upper hand.

However, last year in France there was to say the least an interesting court ruling about companies like IVC Evidensia leading them to have to set up a different kind of structure to operate.

Corporate consolidators, including Mars Inc. and IVC Evidensia, have been forced to reassess the status of their operations in France after a court asserted that veterinary practices there must be controlled by veterinarians.

Companies such as IVC Evidensia and the Scandinavian insurance company Agria who just like IVC Evidensia is on a quest to conquer the world. Agria is already a main player and sponsor within the German and the international equestrian federation of the FEI.

After just two year in the United Kingdom, Agria also managed to place themselves as a title sponsor for the Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials for the coming three years. Which also make them the title sponsor for FEI European Championships in Eventing at Blenheim Palace next year.

In Scandinavia it is already a known fact if you have your animal insured the bill at the vet is on a complete other [higher] level than if not having an insurance.

It is also a known fact that during the first ten years with these risk capitalist driven companies heading into the field of animal health care. The costs for the horse and pet owners blew through the roof!

Good old Agria, founded in a country where way over 70% off i.e. the dogs are in fact insured, are not shying out in claiming they want to be the biggest insurance company for animals in Europe.

So brace for impact, and mark my words.

These companies, independent and or together, will make sure the costs of animal health care will sky rocket in parts of Europe that so far have been a place where most horse and pet owners could afford to bring their beloved animal to the vet.

The views and ideas of this publication are personal and belongs to the author. Which mean they may or may not line up with your own personal views and ideas.