And then they were three..

And then they were three..

Yesterday evening my only breeding mare left standing changed owners. Part of me am heart broken. The other part is happy as a clam. The latter cause I now know she has a great forever home, and she is also in good hands.

In all this sale will not make much of a difference for her except changing owners.

Cause technically she won’t move an inch from the place where she moved in back in April in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, so:

Her fields remain the same.

Her buddies remain the same.

Her babies are around.

The stable remain the same.

Oh no, the last one is not true. There are new stables being built as we speak, so that is the only thing that will feel different for my gorgeous and stunning princess.

Still I feel heartbroken. This is not how my third attempt of a breeding venture was going to end.

First the grand old did not get into foal for two years, and now this. Me giving up the first lady.

The plan

When we begun, we went all in on this venture with a 1, 5, 10 and even a 15 year plan. When dealing with horses You kind of have too.

The 1 year plan being the one where you actually even get a foal.

The 5 year plan being bringing up some youngsters to the age when they can start working a bit. As well as take their first steps out in the competition arenas.

The 10 year plan being to bring up horses to international sport, and take it from there. Maybe sell some along the way, while breeding some more.

The 15 year plan being all the above, and being on the second generation of this circle of life kind of a business venture.

Along came the pandemic..

Just as we started, along came the pandemic. Leaving us with some huge walls to climb. Suddenly, during the second half of year one of the pandemic, small farms in our region of choice were sucked up like dust under ones sofa.

Cause just like that, everybody wanted to live in the country side. The prices sky rocketed, and we decided to give up on our dream of a small farm in favour of a big house in the country side.

Which meant our then only mare remained stabled elsewhere. We found the perfect place for her, and that is where she’ll stay. All her babies are there too.

So is the yearling I have from our other mare. My precious old lady.

The black pearl we struggled so hard to get into foal. When we finally had one, we couldn’t get her into foal ever again.

This is the lady we sent back to Germany for a well deserved retirement. Now she is grassing the hills around her breeder’s place.

I love the fact that both ladies have now found their respective perfect forever homes.

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All this while I’m sketching on a new 1, 2, and 3 year plan for the remaining horses in “our stable”. The one, the two, and the three year old. Soon to become the two, the three, and the four year old.

Now we can put all focus on this younger generation of ladies. In all, our aim and goal was always to break them in, get them out there and into the sport, and see where it would take us.

Who knows?

If the world does get back to normal, without wars and drama just maybe one of these stunning ladies end up giving us our next generation of horses. Only time will tell.

The views and ideas of this publication are personal and belongs to the author. Which mean they may or may not line up with your own personal views and ideas.